Real treasure hunters are invited to search for the coveted "9for5 & 5for1" caches within the whole Ötztal Valley. Caches are hidden in the region’s most scenic spots, and provide you with more detailed information on how to gather the special "Ötz-Taler" geo-coin while giving an insight into the great variety of Alpine landscapes in the Ötztal.
How can you obtain the special Ötztal geo-coin?
Nine cache boxes are hidden within the entire Ötztal. If you find five out of nine caches you receive the ultimate and well-deserved Ötztal geo-coin.
Where do you find the single "9for5&5for1" cache boxes?
Detailed coordinates for all 9 cache boxes are available here or on the Geocache Community homepage – for downloading to your GPS unit. For a quick overview of all cache locations you can download a map.
Where do you get the highly coveted Ötztal geo-coin?
Every "9for5 & 5for1" cache box contains a different clipper with a special pattern.
If you have collected at least 5 different clippers from five cache boxes you can pick up your Ötz-Taler geo-coin at the Umhausen Information Office where you also get the stamp card for the entire route.