“Light Catcher“, the striking white stone looks alien as if it had landed like an egg in this Alpine landscape. And yet it is also a local or "Dosiger" as the locals would say. One from here as it was found in nearby Niedertal side valley. The artist discovered it, shaped it, polished it and carved out a radial hole. Its glow in the light of the sun, its shape and its whitish shimmer in the dark are reminiscent of the moon. Truly a light catcher – both by day and by night. The other part of the artwork is more inconspicuous and only identifiable at second glance. A polished amphibolite lies in the small mountain brook. Underneath, a rock bowl collects the flowing water. Everything is in a state of flux, panta rhei, everything merges. The water as basis of life continues to shape the stone for millennia and millennia.
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